Wednesday 3 April 2013


Salaam semua..

Syukur alhamdulillah Allah masih beri kita nikmat utk hidup, nikmat utk makan, minum, melihat, mendengar, dan mcm2 lg nikmat yg tak tersebut kerana terlalu byk hingga tidak terbilang nikmat Allah kpd kita.

Maka, sudahkah kita melafazkan kalimah syukur pd hari ini? Ternyata kalimah yang ringan di bibir ini, sebenarnya berat timbangannya pd neraca Allah nnt..  Sama2 kita amalkan ye.

Ramai rakan2 dan sanak saudara yg bertanya tentang penyakit anak saya, Farhanah Mardhiah. 
Jadi, saya rs elok juga kalau saya kongsikan perjalanan penyakit dan rawatan kakak tu.. 

Begini cerita si comel;

Early Nov 2012 - Started to notice her right upper eyelid swelling. Mcm naik ketumbit gitu gayanye. So, we tried to put CMC ointment for about 2 weeks but no improvement.

End of Nov - brought kakak to Eye Clinic HKK. First treated as infection because common is common kan. Given steroid eyedrop but still not much improvement seen.

11th Dec - went for follow up at Eye clinic again. This time kakak already had few days of fever, headaches, and bony pain. Sian dia unable to sleep at night because of the headaches. 
At the clinic, Specialist noticed that her right eye already proptosed (bulging out) and her gaze a bit deviated. So, was urgently referred to HUSM for futher investigation and mx.

13th Dec - CT scan brain and orbit was done. From the film i already noted huge extradural mass with parietal bone lesion which represent the metastasis. What else could it be? Ya Allah, my lovely daughter has malignant cancer. Ms tu berharap sgt doctor akn cakap bahawa itu bukan film scan farhanah.. Sy bersedia utk berita bahwa ianya benign cancer, tp blom bersedia pd saat tu utk sesuatu yg malignant. 
Rupe2nya mass tu yg menyebabkan matanya bengkak. 

Next proceeed with CT abdomen n thorax to find the primary tumour. And definitely we found the left adrenal tumour. 
At that time, most prob diagnosis is LEFT ADRENAL NEUROBLASTOMA with bone metastasis.

We then request for transfer to HUKM for further management of her condition in view that our family members are in Selangor. Really need emotional support from our family...

25th Dec 2012 - Admitted to HUKM. Here we proceed with some invasive procedure to confirm the diagnosis. Done BMA, bone biopsy, genetic/molecular testing and also urine test for catecholamines. 

7th Jan 2013 - Finally, we got the full diognosis. Left adrenal neuroblastoma with definite bone metastasis and bone marrow involvement. She is currently in stage 4 of her disease. 

9th Jan 2013 - started chemotherapy regime using Kushner protocol. 

3rd April 2013 - Alhamdulillah.. so far she survived and still active. Currently just admitted for her 5th chemotherapy. Another 2 cycles to go.. Be strong my dear. Ummi will always be there for you insyaAllah.                 


  1. poksu jue salu ade utk sapot,, give a call,, when i`m free,, i`ll be there for anything..

    1. hehe... ofkos.. br ptg td dia sebut nama poksu

  2. Salam strong shaa Allah she'll be granted for a speedy recovery.haritu jumpa sepupu tini dr noraini bakar dia kem salam.

    1. thanx a lot tini.. now tgh cari2 ape supplement yg terbaik utk kakak sbb on n off mmg appetite dia kurang.. bila google byk pulak options yg ada..
