Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Another Reflections...

Salaam everyone...

Dah lama x menjenguk blog ni.. Sejak bulan July yg lps, this is my 1st post.. Terlalu byk benda yg berlaku sampai x tau apa nak tulis.. 

Mm... let me recall all things that took place btw July to September..

Farhanah, alhamdulillah.. dh selamat menjalani major operation on 3rd of July.. So, her left adrenal had been removed successfully. Thanx to Allah :) and also the paeds surgical team. 1st few days dia x rs sakit sgt sbb masih ada epidural.. on the 3rd day, off epidural n she started to feel some pain at the epidural site.. 

hahaa.. guess what? Her wound at the op site, which just below her umbilicus is about 12 cm long.. but she didnt complain of any pain from it!! huhu.. ummi kesian kt anak ummi ni.. but she's really strong.. ummi pun kena jd strong la kan.. hehe

mm.. she lost weight from 17 kg to only 14 kg post op.. ye la, bayangkn dia cuma boleh start minum hari ke-3.. then terpaksa puasa lg sbb muntah2.. so, rsnya dlm hari ke-7 br dia leh mkn cam biasa.. 

On day 5, noticed that her BP consistently high.. then proceed with renal ultrasound and doppler.. most likely Renal artery stenosis..
Actually, the adrenal mass and lymph node had compressed on the renal artery.. and after it was removed the renal vessel failed to regain its normal shape.. 
Dugaan btol utk anak ummi ni ye.. dh remove tumour, jadi darah tinggi pulak.. now she's on anti hypertensive, 3 times a day.. sabar ye kakak.. 

Few weeks after operation, proceed with another chemotherapy.. this time the plan is to hv 4 cycles of   
TVD (topotecan, vcr and doxorubicin)..they call this as 'Rescue strategy'.. 

Alhamdulillah 2 days b4 Hari Raya she completed her 1st cycle of TVD.. sooo... dpt la kami beraya.. tp beraya simple2 je.. xleh nk balik kampung mane2.. beraya kt Shah Alam n Ampang je.. nasib baik parents seme kt sini.

Ms Hari Raya tu dh nampak dia letih.. appetite pun kurang..

Raya ke-2 pi ward utk check FBC, rupanya Hb low.. so transfused darah dulu.. 

Raya ke-3 pulak pi HUKM lg, visit Che (my grandmother)..
Che admitted after had a fall @ home.. # her neck of femur.. 
sian che.. moga cepat sembuh ye che n dpt jln laju mcm dulu : ) 

Raya ke-4, pi HUKM lg.. and this time admitted sbb Farhanah demam with ANC 0 and her platelet just 7. Ya Allah, nasib baik xde bleeding ke ape kt umah.. 

While we r in the ward, Ijah got msg from Mus to inform me that he was in ED that night, to be specific in RED ZONE !!
Ya Allah, xtau nak citer perasaan masa tu.. ye la kt sebelah sini anak sakit, sebelah sana pulak husband sakit.. Mus batuk berdarah ptg tu, darah yg byk sampai habis sekotak tisu !.. huhu.. ms tu ijah cuma dpt doa "Ya Allah, selamatkanlah suamiku.. ringankanlah kesakitannya, jauhkan dia dari penyakit yg bahaya..tenangkanlah dan lapangkn dada hambaMu ini.."

Mus admitted to ICU for close monitoring.. esknya proceed with CT scan thorax.. from the scan ade cavitation seen.. 
and he was treated for PTB.. ijah rs lega skit sbb sekurang2 nya dh tau diagnosis.. infectious disease.. dan bukan malignancy.. 

Ya Rahman.. Ya Rahim.. satu persatu ujian yg Kau berikan pada kami.. terasa sgt berat utk dipikul.. tp kami yakin janjiMu benar.. dan pasti ada hikmah yg tersimpan.. kami redha Ya Allah.. bantulah kami menjadi hambaMU yg sabar & bersyukur.. 
